
Post-Surgical Radiation Therapy

Post-Surgical Residual Disease Can Now Be Treated With Advanced Radiation Therapy

Pets with cancer remaining after surgery may now be eligible for stereotactic radiation (SRS/SRT) thanks to the use of a safe and effective “liquid fiducial.” The marker is easily injectable intra-operatively into a surgical cavity or post-operatively along a surgical scar. This provides a tangible target that enables the creation of a highly targeted treatment plan necessary for advanced radiation therapy.

Proven Safe & Effective

We can now easily create an artificial target volume to safely and effectively treat patients with marginally resected tumors. Safety & efficacy established through prospective clinical trial that found:

  • 176 injected, 161 treated over 18 months
  • Fewer acute radiation side effects than patients treated with CFRT
  • Excellent local control and long-term survival
  • Delayed radiation side effects occurred in less than 2% of patients treated using liquid fiducial target definition

Historically, Therapeutic Options Have Been Limited For Pets With Residual Disease* Following Surgery

Treatment planning for radiation therapy requires an identifiable target, typically consisting of gross residual disease. As a result, stereotactic radiation (SRS/SRT) has not previously been an option for pets left with microscopic residual disease following a surgical attempt to remove their tumor, since there was no identifiable target to treat. This is a common situation that forces pet parents to choose between conventional radiation therapy (CFRT) or no further treatment. Many decline CFRT due to the number of anesthetic events, potential toxicity, or other quality of life factors.

Create An Artificial Target Volume With PetXmark™ Liquid Fiducial Marker

PetXmark™ is a liquid fiducial marker that can be applied intraoperatively by injecting directly into a surgical cavity or postoperatively through injection along a surgical incision. The marker will be visible on subsequent imaging including CT, MRI, ultrasound and under infrared light. This creates an artificial target that can be used for SRS/SRT treatment planning, allowing an entire treatment course to be delivered in a single dose. By contrast, CFRT typically comes with a recommendation of 15-20 treatment sessions – and anesthetic events – for incompletely or marginally resected tumors.

PetXmark™ application is recommended intraoperatively when there is concern around achieving clean margins during a tumor resection, especially with mast cell tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, and any other tumor exhibiting an invasive growth pattern where complete resection is difficult or impossible due to anatomic constraints. Application is recommended postoperatively when managing surgical scars in areas with complex anatomy – such as head & neck tumors, anal sac tumors, and soft tissue cancers within soft tissue organs.

*”Residual disease” refers to cancer cells that remain in the body after attempts to remove a cancer have been made.

If you have a pet patient with residual cancer following surgery, contact PetCure Oncology today by calling 833-738-4376 to find out if they may be a candidate for advanced radiation therapy.

How to Refer a Pet Patient

Reach out to us at (833) 738-4376, or streamline the referral process by filling out our vet referral form:


RELATED: Single high-dose radiation therapy and liquid fiducial markers can be used in dogs with incompletely resected soft tissue sarcomas

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