Clinical Trial Update: Saffee is Doing Great Four Months After SRS

This past spring, we told you about a clinical trial launched by PetCure Oncology to study the use of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in the treatment of lung tumors in dogs.
We already know that SRS has become a standard of care for treating lung tumors in human medicine. Most experts believe the same will be true of veterinary medicine. This clinical trial will test that hypothesis.
It will take time for the results of the study to mature into actionable clinical data. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t provide updates in the meantime.
We’re proud to highlight Saffee, an 11-year-old foxhound and clinical lung trial participant. Safee’s pet parent, Diana noticed a cough that continued to worsen over a period of two to three months. X-rays revealed a possible lung mass, so Dianna found her way to PetCure Oncology at Care Center in Cincinnati, Ohio for an in-depth consult.
After a thorough review of Saffee’s case, Dianna elected to move forward with SRS treatment. Fortunately, Saffee’s cancer made her eligible for the clinical trial. She received three SRS treatments on consecutive days on April 19–21, benefiting from the clinical trial’s heavily subsidized cost.
By the time Saffee returned for her two-week recheck, her cough was gone. At the time of the three-month recheck and CT scan, the imaging revealed a 40–50% decrease in tumor size, and Dianna reported that Saffee was doing great at home. Four months after treatment, we couldn’t be happier with Saffee’s progress in her fight against cancer.
Go Saffee!

Following SRS, Dianna and Saffee are back to work in their garden.
Visit our clinical trials page for more information, including the terms of the study, a full list of exclusions, and both online and print application forms. Pet parents of trial participants will benefit from heavily subsidized treatment as well as free pre-treatment consults and imaging (CT) and free post-treatment check-ups and follow-up imaging.
If you or someone you know has a dog with a diagnosed or suspected lung tumor, we are here to help.
We’re here for you.
Need more information? Reach out to us at any time by calling 773-850-3400 or sending an email to