Then & Now: Oh My, How The Times Have Changed

When I was a kid, there was a rotary phone in my room. Remember those? Cable television was a naïve dream for me. We had a functional record player in our house and a collection of records to go with it.
My, how times have changed.
My 5-year-old daughter has no idea what those things even are. Our house nearly came tumbling down when we tried explaining to her for the first time that we can’t fast forward through the commercials of every TV show!
Of course, there is no industry that has benefitted from our society’s incredible advancements in technology than health care. Did you know that children born in 2016 are expected to live, on average, until the age of 85? There is no question that modern medicine is one of the big reasons why. I don’t hesitate for a second to say that I have family members that are alive today that could have never lived this long if born 50 – or even 20 – years earlier. I’m sure many of you reading this right now can relate.
In the 20th century alone, you can count chicken pox and polio among the list of once-fatal illnesses that no longer cause us any concern.
Someday, we hope to add cancer to that list.
PetCure Oncology is proud to be on the leading edge of cancer care, taking the latest advancements in human radiation therapy and making it available to pets for the first time. But we’re doing more than just making the best that modern medicine has to offer available to pets.
We’re committed to doing whatever we can to help advance the science and ensure that cancer care – in whatever form – is better 10 years from now than it is today. That’s why we are passionate about investing time and resources into clinical research. In addition to improving the efficacy of radiation therapy for pets, we have recently begun exploring how our veterinary cancer care can be utilized for translational research that may actually be able to advance radiation therapy for humans.
I was inspired down this line of thought by a video I saw the other day. It was a very useful explanation of the Varian Trilogy and RapidArc technology – the most advanced and versatile form of delivering radiation therapy in veterinary medicine today. We utilize this technology at most of our sites, but it can be hard for clients – or anybody without a medical license – to understand what that means.
In short? It means the things we can do today are simply amazing.
To learn more about the Varian Trilogy and RapidArc technology in human medicine, see this video.
This personal blog entry was contributed by Ben Chiswick, PetCure Oncology’s Director of Operations and the proud pet parent of Bandit, a 7-year-old Australian Cattle Dog.