Resources to Help Pet Parents When Their Furry Kids are Diagnosed with Cancer

This week the team at PetCure Oncology shares a list of resources to help pet parents navigate a cancer diagnosis in their four legged family members. The list covers new terminology you may hear when talking with your veterinarian, getting a second opinion, managing your emotions, conventional and holistic treatment options and practical advice from other pet owners.
– Don’t know where to start? vetSTREET offers a list of 10 Questions to Ask Your Vet When Your Pet Gets the Big Cancer Diagnosis. Print this list out, as you think of more questions write them down and bring the list to your next vet appointment.
– Tapping into the collective knowledge of others who have walked in your shoes can not only be helpful but also let you know you’re not alone. Fun Times Guide shares Coping With Dog Cancer: Treatment Options + Helpful Advice From Others Who’ve Been There.
That wraps this week’s pet health review of news and articles for the up-to-date pet family. In closing, we’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about PetCure Oncology and our partner sites who are brining life saving cancer care to your furry family members.