
Pet Hero: Molly, The Kind Cat

Life for Molly, a 13-year-old cat, is full of love and fun with her parents Glenna and John and pet siblings Sonny (3) and Russ (14). Her days mainly consist of eating and playing with her toys, but her little brother Sonny has brought new energy into the home and keeps everyone, including Molly, on their toes.

Molly was adopted when she was a kitten from her parent’s daughter’s cat who had a litter in her backyard. She was the smallest cat of the bunch and Glenna and John immediately knew she was the one for them.

Signs & Symptoms

Molly’s parents were very proactive about her health and noticed she had a bump on her forehead. They knew this was a red flag and scheduled an appointment two days later at Oradell Animal Hospital. Molly had a fine needle aspiration of the lump and the pathology report confirmed that it was cancerous.

Molly was then referred to Dr. Stephen Brenn, the medical oncologist at Oradell. Dr. Brenn gave Molly’s family options on different courses of treatment and recommended stereotactic radiation therapy (SRS/SRT).


Upon doing some online research of stereotactic radiation therapy and after receiving the recommendation from Molly’s specialist, John came across PetCure Oncology’s services. He realized the Veterinary Radiosurgery and Imaging Center (VRIC) location in Clifton, NJ was just eight miles away from their home. They scheduled an appointment right away.

When Molly got to VRIC she was warmly welcomed, and she was scheduled for a CT scan so that the team could begin to develop her treatment plan. Based on the tumor size and location, she received three fractions of radiation therapy (SRS/SRT) beginning in July 2017.

Molly’s parents were very satisfied with how the PetCure Oncology in Clifton, NJ team treated their family and how attentive they were to their needs.

“When it comes to my pets, they’re like my babies. So to have to go through something like that (cancer) it’s traumatic. We had the best experience you could have under the circumstances,” John said.


After treatment, Molly is back to herself. She only experienced some dizziness after the anesthesia and treatment.  She visits her primary care veterinarian every three months for check-ups and her family keeps the PetCure Oncology team updated with photos.

“We are very lucky,” John said. “Her eating and sleeping habits are normal. From the bump on her head to today, she never even noticed she was sick.”

John and Glenna would like other pet parents to know that cancer diagnoses are overwhelming but the right care team makes all the difference.

“PetCure makes you feel like you’re their number one client and you get their undivided attention,” John said. “If you have any questions, they will answer them for you and make pet owners feel at ease.”

If Your Pet Is Diagnosed with Cancer, PetCure Oncology Can Help

Our team is ready to offer you guidance on your pet’s cancer journey. To speak with a member of our Pet Advocate team, please call 833-738-4376.

More Than 8,000 Pet Families Have Chosen PetCure Oncology For Their Dog Or Cat's Cancer Therapy. We Give Your Pet A Fighting Chance To Improve Their Quality Of Life.

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